To whether the land that we provide a link? why should the selling traded?
purpose of the link text that is to bring visitors to other sites. and also to get increased visitors to other sites. can be concluded that the link is used to jump to other pages. other pages that might mean heading:
- This page's own
- Another page in the same web
- Other Web page
So the function of guiding the end of this text link to move to another page from the page now to get visitors and transactions or purchases from the end of the transient. This is based on adding value to people links. for that link is made in the ad such as Google Adsense
For that reason the market is similar to say? because there are buyers and sellers in the world of advertising they are usually called the Advertiser and Publisher.
From Where Did our income?
Our income comes from the advertiser as a publisher who bought the land link that we provide. text link ads and her role is as a liaison or broker who will manage our business transaction between advertiser and publisher.
for example we provide a link that can be 10 places in the lease by the advertiser links, and then buy 10 lots for $ 10 link perlinknya then you will get a $ 100 monthly cost. what if you have bought 10 sites in the advertiser? wow imagine the revenue we will get if we have 10 sites in the purchase by the advertiser.
Post by Rana
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