Saturday, May 22, 2010

Factors - Factors Affecting Google PageRank Value 1

Factors that affect Google PageRank is:

A website that has a higher PageRank is assumed to have a better voice and influence the Google PageRank calculation, if we create a link on the website. In addition, the more other websites link will reinforce the value of PageRank. But sites that are banned will not be counted. Supposing, that the banned sites such as residents who lost their political rights.

The more closely the relevance of the theme from the links given by other websites getting better as you provide a deeper knowledge about these themes and this will make the visitors gave a good appreciation for your website.

Additional pages can reduce the value of pagerank of web pages. Perhaps the effect is the total PageRank of a page. But it might also just a few pages alone will decrease the value of google pagerank.

Pagerank value can go up also can go down, so when we have a PR 4 This does not mean forever be PR 4, this could also go down and could also rise. this is related to how we maintain our website PageRank value. To maintain the value of pagerank 4 we must be diligent to add links to other websites and frequently updated content.

Factors that could make the pagerank down:

• The lower the value of pagerank websites that provide links to your website.

• In Banned a website that provides a link to your website.

• Content that is rarely updated.

• Domain is not renewed.

• Illegal activity such as creating hidden text (which is not seen by visitors), pattern of deceptive redirects, and so forth.

READ MORE - Factors - Factors Affecting Google PageRank Value

What is Google PageRank? 0

What thats Google Google Pagerank?
Pagerank is one of the methods used by google for determining the level of relevance. It also is one method to see how important a web page. If related to the value, meaning the higher the PR (PageRank), it is increasingly important pages.
Google uses many factors to determine ranking. PageRank algorithm is probably the best. Basically this PageRank evaluates two things:
• How many links are there other web pages to those pages.
• How is the quality of the websites which link those pages.
Example: A popular news website reviewing your site. We all know how the quality of those sites. Everyone agreed that these sites are important sites. You are grateful because reviewing your site. They include your site URL in the form of a link. Likewise, of New York Times ( also review your site. Both the web site already has a recognized reputation. The second link that you get from the two websites are very useful if in comparing 20 or 30 you get links from sites that are not well known or even new sites.
Logically, if a reputable site exceptional review and include your link to their website, this means your site also has a good reputation. This would be like if someone, introduce you to a high businessman profile.
READ MORE - What is Google PageRank?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Text Link Ads make a payment? 0

After we collected $ 25, you are entitled to payment for the sale of your ad space. You can choose the payment method used: - Check - Paypal - payoneer - Coupon for buy ad space on the text link ads.

* Payoneer is a type of credit card. Payoneer using a master card as its payment gateway. But this is not really as a credit card. You can only withdraw or shop using the card if the card is its existing content.
For comparison the speed of payment, assume text link ads are both processed on the first. so the date is in the process, you will get a notice in the mail. You can withdraw money at atm logo anywhere as long as you use paypal mastercard If, on one suppose that the money had come in paypal. Then you are in the process to drag it to your local bank account. The process takes 5-7 days. This means 5-7 days later you can just take the money.

For payment by check, may be much longer. Logically, the time will be spent on sending the checks. could spend three weeks. After the drawdown had also takes a long time, about 5-14 days.
Last choice is the voucher for payment. This coupon can be used to buy ad space on the text link ads. It is possible that this may be the fastest, but certainly you will not receive any money. but the coupons to spend longer in the text link ads
READ MORE - How Text Link Ads make a payment?

Monday, May 3, 2010

How to Process Text Link Ads programs 0

How to Process Text Link Ads programs? The process begins from your first registering as a member on the text link ads. But remember, choose your position as a publisher, not the advertiser. Next create a good quality Website or Blog. Both these steps may be in the back and forth. If you already have a website, you are staying to register only.
The next step is to maintain and develop your site until there are pages that reached PageRank(PR) 4. check the use of PageRank checker tool. Do not worry if you do not know anything about this, as will be discussed in a subsequent article.

If your existing web pages that reach a minimum pagerank 4, register on the text links ads. If the page will be recognized as an inventory. Your pages will be listed in the marketplace text links ads. You are required to install their code.
The advertiser is always looking for land suitable to their needs. If they are interested in your web page, they'll buy lots links. Their links will appear on your pages. and They will then make payments to you.
In the early months, Text Link Ads will make payments to you. if your income meets the requirements. the Minimum Income that can be transferred for $ 25.
READ MORE - How to Process Text Link Ads programs

What the Terms to follow Text Link Ads? 1

Terms to follow text link ads it’s simple, namely:

- Having email

- Having a minimal web page PageRank 4

Both these requirements seem simple. But the second requirement is that require high struggle. Terms were not light, but also not very heavy, to achieve the PageRank 4 can be read in next article.

Do we need to increase the pagerank of website/ Blog to join the TLA?

Yes, but there's another way to get domain pagerank 4, we can buying domain PageRank 4 can be purchased at GoDaddy or forums that sell PageRank 4 domain like digitalpoint forum( etc.

Post By Rana

READ MORE - What the Terms to follow Text Link Ads?

Monday, April 26, 2010

How to register your blog in text link ads 0

Text Link Ads, or better known as the TLA is a company that provides advertising services through a text link. TLA blog that collects the owners interested in selling links. Those who have registered hereinafter referred to as a publisher. Later when the advertiser (advertiser) who are interested in buying a link from one publisher, the TLA will automatically install the relevant links on the blog.
How to register your blog in text link ads:
  1. Visit TLA website here! 
  2. Then click the green image that reads Create Publisher Account!
  3. It would appear your biodata field, fill in correctly! Such as name, email address, payment type, etc. Then create account Clik button!
  4. Check your email inbox for activation.
After the first step is to incorporate activation blog or to submit your blog on the spot TLA.
  1. Login again using your email which has been previously made.
  2. Continue to check the navigation menu section labeled sub navigation Publisher and click (Submit Site / Page).
  3. In step 1 enter the url of your blog! We recommend using the (www). After that proceed to go to step 2.
  4. Step 2 Fill your personal data with the right blog! In the section select the appropriate category and according to your blog. In writing title tag, description, keywords using English. After that if there is text (Ads to be displayed on) select / tick Site Wide. Because most advertisers are more interested if they link to appear in all pages.
  5. Proceed to step 3 is the number of spot / advertising links will be displayed. Select up to you!
Ok, up here you've managed to register a blog at this link broker and then wait for a few days, the TLA (Text Link Ads) will study your blog. Acceptable or not depends on your prayers! good luck!
Technorati Tags: , , , , , , ,

I may receive compensation if you buy products on my website Thank u
READ MORE - How to register your blog in text link ads

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What is that Text link ads? 0

What is Text link ads?Text link ads, is a business alternative in the Internet business that can provide extra income. although not very popular when compared to google adsense. Text link ads provide more revenue to our members. This Text Link Ads business can suppose that as the market, a place that brings the buyer and seller. that the sale is the land for the links on the blog / on our website.

To whether the land that we provide a link? why should the selling traded?
purpose of the link text that is to bring visitors to other sites. and also to get increased visitors to other sites. can be concluded that the link is used to jump to other pages. other pages that might mean heading:
- This page's own
- Another page in the same web
- Other Web page
So the function of guiding the end of this text link to move to another page from the page now to get visitors and transactions or purchases from the end of the transient. This is based on adding value to people links. for that link is made in the ad such as Google Adsense, in order to get an exchange of links to share visitor traffic.
For that reason the market is similar to say? because there are buyers and sellers in the world of advertising they are usually called the Advertiser and Publisher.
From Where Did our income?
Our income comes from the advertiser as a publisher who bought the land link that we provide. text link ads and her role is as a liaison or broker who will manage our business transaction between advertiser and publisher.
for example we provide a link that can be 10 places in the lease by the advertiser links, and then buy 10 lots for $ 10 link perlinknya then you will get a $ 100 monthly cost. what if you have bought 10 sites in the advertiser? wow imagine the revenue we will get if we have 10 sites in the purchase by the advertiser.
Post by Rana
READ MORE - What is that Text link ads?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Apa itu Teks Link Ads? 2

Text link ads, adalah sebuah alternatif bisnis di bisnis internet yang bisa memberikan tambahan penghasilan. walaupun tidak begitu populer jika dibandingkan dengan google adsense. text link ads banyak memberikan penghasilan kepada membernya. bisnis text link ads ini bisa di umpamakan seperti pasar, sebuah tempat yang mempertemukan antara pembeli dan penjual. yang di jual adalah lahan untuk link di blog/di website kita.
untuk apakah lahan link itu kita sediakan ? kenapa harus di jual belikan?
tujuan dari teks link ini yaitu untuk membawa pengunjung ke situs lain. dan juga untuk mendapatkan meningkatkan pengunjung ke situs lain. bisa di simpulkan bahwa link digunakan untuk melompat ke halaman lain. halaman lain tersebut bisa berarti menuju :
- Halaman itu sendiri
- Halaman lain di web yang sama
- Halaman situs lain
Jadi fungsi text link ini memandu pengujung untuk berpindah ke halaman lain dari halaman sekarang untuk mendapatkan pengunjung dan transaksi atau pembelian dari pengujung yg berpindah tersebut. atas dasar inilah orang memberi nilai tambah pada link. untuk itu link ini di jadikan iklan seperti Google Adsense, agar mendapatkan sebuah pertukaran link untuk saling membagi traffic pengunjung.
Untuk itu kenapa di bilang mirip pasar? karena ada pembeli dan penjual biasanya dalam dunia periklanan mereka disebut Advertiser dan Publisher.
Dari mana kah Penghasilan kita?
Penghasilan kita sebagai publisher berasal dari advertiser yang membeli lahan link yang kita sediakan. dan perannya text link ads adalah sebagai penghubung atau makelar yang akan mengatur transaksi bisnis kita yaitu antara advertiser dan publisher.
misalnya kita menyediakan 10 tempat link yang bisa di sewa oleh link advertiser, kemudian mereka membeli 10 kapling link tersebut seharga $10 perlinknya maka anda akan mendapatkan $ 100 perbulannya. bagaimana jika anda mempunyai 10 situs yang di beli advertiser? wow bayangkan penghasilan yang akan kita dapatkan jika kita mempunyai 10 situs yang di beli oleh advertiser.
Post by Rana
READ MORE - Apa itu Teks Link Ads?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Stop Dreaming Start Action! 0

Mari Kita melakukan “Komitmen Stop Dreaming Start Action untuk masa depan yang lebih baik”

Bermimpi atau berangan-angan itu memang perlu, untuk menambah motivasi kita dalam bekerja, namun jangan sampai kita terjebak dalam mimpi-mimpi kosong, karena hal itu akan membuat kita semakin tidak produktif.

Dalam melakukan Bisnis Online Internet kita harus memegang teguh prinsip "Stop Dreaming Start Action!" Kita harus bangun dari mimpi, dan melakukan tindakan nyata untuk mensukseskan Bisnis Online Internet yang sedang kita tekuni.

Apapun jenis Bisnis Online Internet yang anda tekuni, baik ppc, ptc, menjual e-book dan lain sebagainya, action adalah suatu hal yang mutlak dilakukan. Jika kita hanya duduk termenung dan bermimpi, tidak akan mungkin kata indah "keberhasilan" dan "kesuksesan" mendatangi kita.

Semangat "Stop Dreaming Start Action" juga berlaku bagi Anda yang baru memulai Belajar Bisnis Online Internet. Misalnya bagi anda memulai dengan Bisnis Online PPC, segeralah untuk action :
1. Memulai membuat blog;
2. Mengisinya dengan konten yang menarik;
3. Mendaftarkan diri sebagai publisher;
4. Memasang iklan, dan
5. Terus menerus melakukan optimasi iklan.

Dengan melakukan ACTION yang nyata, seperti lima langkah di atas, banyak diantara rekan kita sesama Publisher yang sudah menikmati hasil dari jerih payahnya. Kisaran hasil itu bervariatif, tergantung dari sejauh mana kita melakukan ACTION dan tidak hanya bermimpi.

Dengan sedikit paparan di atas, Sudahkah ANDA tergugah untuk melakukan ACTION?

Sekali lagi, "Stop Dreaming Start Action" Jika anda ingin Sukses!
READ MORE - Stop Dreaming Start Action!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

8 Key Differences Between Super Affiliates and Struggling Affiliates 0

READ MORE - 8 Key Differences Between Super Affiliates and Struggling Affiliates